Trump, the NFL, and Puerto Rico

As hurricane season has progressed this year, we've seen more extreme weather events, as named storms have followed the ones that preceded them on their heels in swift succession. Those that listen to science are not shocked by these effects of climate change. Those that don't listen fail to grasp the severity of each storm as they ferociously lashed island after island and screamed up the American Southeast. Among those that don't listen are evangelicals and careless politicians, including president pretender Trump.

Trump not only fails to listen to science. He fails to listen to the cries for help by those effected. Rather than hear the boundless suffering, he bloviates on Twitter about the "sons of bitches" in the NFL protesting police brutality and ingrained white supremacy. When he finally reacts, it's full of conceit and void of compassion. This failure leads to new hashtags, such as #TrumpsKatrina. 

As this administration makes lackluster efforts on hurricane relief, Trump attacks San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz via Twitter from his golf resort in Bedminster, New Jersey, with "The Mayor of San Juan, who was very complimentary only a few days ago, has now been told by the Democrats that you must be nasty to Trump" and "... Such poor leadership ability by the Mayor of San Juan, and others in Puerto Rico, who are not able to get their workers to help. They want everything to be done for them when it should be a community effort."

It is intriguing to see Trump use the word "nasty" against a woman again. It should not be lost on anyone how hypocritical it is that Melania Tump has chosen to focus on cyber bullying as First Lady when her husband is the bully in chief.

mayor cruz flooded streets.jpg

Meanwhile, Mayor Cruz is not only coordinating rescue and aid in Puerto Rico, she is in the flooded streets working herself. She has every right to be "mad as hell." Trump's exaggerated ego is costing lives. Puerto Rican lives. American lives. 

Mayor Cruz exudes leadership.

Trump is a philistine.


I'll leave you for now with this newly inked triolet...


Orange Spangled Banner


We are all dying

To the tune of caustic spangled tweets.

Leovigildo’s lungs ceased while oxygen waiting.

We are all dying

As another racist badge causes more crying.

Las vidas blancas ricas importan are the beats

To which we are all dying,

The tune of caustic spangled tweets.


Picture via Twitter